Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Sunday, August 21, 2011 @8:16 AM
In San Francisco now where everything is beautiful, food is delicious and butter is cheap. The weather is cool too even though it's summer and I have a lovely view in front of my window while writing this as I'm staying with my Aunt and jazz music is playing in the background.
So far, I have only been to San Francisco city once and that was looking for a Lake Tahoe tour (but not finding any) and haven't done much touristy stuff as my Aunt has been busy with after dinner guests. But hey, I'm heading towards Yosemite in 2 days time and later on going to Monterey Bay . And, I finally managed to satisfy my Costco white chocolate macadamia cookies cravings and now have one whole box sitting on the kitchen table. Not to mention eating the sweetest cherries anyone could find from SF Chinatown. In case you haven't figure it out, yup I have been putting on a lot of weight.
I just realised that it's kinda weird being on the same time as most of the people I'm following on tumblr.
Next Day Post:
Well, I had cut short writing the day before because I was too tired and was chatting on Skype. So now onto what I did today which was where I did the touristy things by going down to San Francisco city and visiting Fisherman Wharf. I also went to see a play done by the people from Delancey Foundation and can I just say how amazing they were? It was fantastic for an amateur play and the costumes were pretty and the acting was entertaining to boot.
Walking down Fisherman Wharf I think I managed to see all the types of people I usually watch on shows: goths, bikers and sexy spanish guys were just the beginning. What's more I got to eat sweet crabs and al dante cook to perfection lobster pasta. I also think I never ate muscles so fast before and to top it all off, the famous Ghirardelli chocolate ice-cream sundae made everything seemed so wonderful.
Next, I finally saw the famous alcatraz together with the most crooked road in the world (Lomboard Street) . And can I just say SF hills are super steep that it seems I'm getting on the Battlestar Galactica roller coster ride back home. The next stop was UC Berkeley where my mum went through the shock of her life as she realised all her old hangout places is gone (gone, gone). The only thing remaining was the clock tower where we took a picture that was taken nicely by a very friendly freshmen (I love college students, they're super warm and sociable!). When we went to this store to buy some waffles, there was this cashier who could talk about everything to every one and he mistaken me for the student there and I was like, nah it's my mum who was a student and he was like "yeah, I hope everything was the same." My mum vividly shook her head.
To end off the night, my aunt brought her to this lovely Vietnamese place where I finally ate my Bun again! It wasn't as good as Vietnam of course, but I remembered why I loved is so much compared to pho and really missed those Vietnam days.
Well I got to end here, it's nearly 12 and I got to wake up at a godforsaken time to go to Yosemite. Until then!
I'll probably post pictures some other day.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 @9:54 PM
Okay honestly, I really can't believe I'm leaving Singapore in a couple more
HOURS and not coming back for at least 2 years +. God, I"m going to miss my friends and my family.
The weird thing is, I want to spend more time with my father but it's always so hard to talk to him due to his temperament and lack of conversation. So when I had to request things from him it becomes a chore and a very difficult thing to do, thus my sentence usually begins with "Mum..."
But I know time is running short cause his health is not so good these days so perhaps a little distance will actually help us bond more as with skype and all form of connection. Weird how connecting is easier when there is a little mediator in the middle huh.
Monday, August 15, 2011 @2:37 AM
Recalling the past,I remembered writing an essay on how film school destroyed my soul, but looking back I think film school is the best thing that ever happened to me.
@1:59 AM
Oh wow.
wow. I actually remembered my password and username for this particular old blog of mine, which I'm very fond of and the reason why it never closed (that and it helps me remember the links of other people's blog).
Well I decided to start blogging here again because I wanted to do some ranting and although I have a tumblr account now, I thought here was more appropriate than anywhere else because tumblr is just to use for giffing and reblogging spectacular photos and where rants seem out of place even though I do so once in awhile.
And also I know privacy is here because no one visits this blog anymore and I can pretend to talk to people where I'm actually am not (if that even makes sense.)
This blog has seen me though the ups and downs of my life including the tedious Secondary school days where I just wanted to die of studying, but yet fun times of having friends. It then moved on to the beginning of my tertiary education and now is going to follow me into my College life.
Yes, I can't believe it. I made it to college. And this is when the rambles start coming in because seeing my college reviews ain't that good, but goddamn it, it looks great and it has tons of potential and I guess someone got to start somewhere. It sounds like I'm consoling myself, and maybe I am but I remembered posting about researching on college what seemed like ages ago (but it isn't really) and recalled how exciting it was. Granted, I'm not going to the college I dreamt of, but who cares, I'm going to film school and hopefully that counts for something.
I remember how people were saying you shouldn't spend money on film school and now going through part of one I think that is an incredibly stupid statement. Because film school actually trains you for the industry and although you do start from the lowest of the low like anyone else, I believe being in film school actually makes you rise faster in the industry because you know what's the what and actually know what is going on and that helps you in your career. So take that review masters. (Plus, film school is incredibly fun)
So yeah, actually reflecting on this I just remembered I should never hear what people on the internet says. I mean it's great knowing in general, but I guess each makes our own path in the end.
God, how I love to rant.